Friday, March 24, 2006


Recently I was not happy and I sent an email to people on my small group's list which might not have been the brightest thing about my predicament of what I came across when I got home. I only used one borderline word. Unfortunately I ticked one person off, which I felt bad about. However considering what I have would done a year and a half ago, it is an improvement. For I know some people would have been truly offended if I would have used the words I truly wanted to use, however some people getting offended, even if it really does not bother me.

I however figured that it went along with what the teaching was last night at small group Sure I was angry, however pissy is not a bad word in my book, not the nicest word though. The email also contained piece of crap, blasted stupid and frikken. I don't see frikken as the equivalent to something else. That was not my intention by the way. Maybe I should have spelled it friggin. However, one person was not thrilled that I sent this email and told me she saw frikken to something else, which was not my intention. I meant for it to come as across as something that began with d, w/o offending anyone who might be offended w/what I wanted to say, to express how ticked I was.. Oh well, I sent her an email telling her I was sorry for offending her. She saw frikken as something else, when it is just a word that could easily substitue something else, not what she was thinking.

By the way when it comes to accomodating my friends, I know there are terms more easily seen as swear words so I won't send vast emails with just how I felt, because I do not desire to offend friends, even though I have no problem with hearing them. I however don't know why telling how you feel and being rather blunt w/o being obscene is seen as offensive.

All Because Of A Missing Remote

Last night I did not sleep well. I was very tired at work today. I was very tired for I had to go look for a remote, that was somehow misplaced. I ended finding it in the freezer but not before looking all over the place. When I got home from small group, Hell did break loose. I was planning on taking a shower and going to bed, but no I had to look for that blasted stupid remote instead. I did not know it was in the freezer, until everywhere else I looked was exhausted Anyway I live with my parents, and the remote is also my dad's silver scepter. Therefore when The Silver Scepter disappeared the way it did aka the remote, expect Hell to break loose. Hell broke loose for an hr, before finding the darn thing in the freezer. You would think that thing was a diamond or whatever.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


That stupid remote, that has caused me to lose a bunch of sleep, not to mentioned wrecked some rediculous havoc was found.

I guess I will go to sleep now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


This afternoon while I was training, my sinuses started bothering me. Perhaps it has to do with more of the weather, rather than dust since my contract job does not have dust like my retail job. It however has began to bother me big time. I therefore went to Kroger to run errands. I however could not buy the sudafed because I did not have proper ID. Heck with the fact, I am very uncomfortable, no thanks to people up to no good I could not buy sudafed for I forgot my ID.


I could use your prayers tomorrow so I can succeed where I am at. I am also asking for your prayer for a permanent job.

I hope this is the year God blesses me with a permanent job and a husband.

The job I have is scary, however God wants me to trust him.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Job

Tomorrow I start a new temporary job. I have this in addition to my now weekend retail job.
I need to go to bed early, by 10:30 which is early for me, since I have to be up at 6:00. Please pray that it goes well.


I am so upset at a disk. Why do disks go bad? Thank God I have back up, oh well. There were 2 resumes, non of my nonvaluable poetry according to my mother. I love my mom, however she does not seem to value this. Hello, I can't help it that IT does not interest me one bit. Who really cares.

I have a degree in English, after Algebra 1 and 11 math is not really useful. I don't think like that

Monday, March 20, 2006

permanent jobs

Why is it the only jobs I hear of are sales jobs? Can't I find a job?

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I closed my account with BC, since it is hard and a waste of time