Thursday, February 15, 2007


Since June I have been part of this newsgroup based out of the UK. I decided to join because I realized was dyspraxic. Here is the thing the U.S, Canada and World Health want to give dyspraxia another degrading term as was the frikkin case 25 yrs ago when I was diagnosed as MBD which is degrading and not to mention tells educators to limit their students.

Hell I made Honors Society but not w/o pissing off some frikkin ignorant staff at my school who did not understand how somebody in Honors Society could have bad handwriting.

Some people are so ignorant, it just makes me sick.

Years Back

Years ago
I would have
Believed things
Would turn out
Than how they have

Then again
There is a reason
One is the world
Is different than
It was 15 years ago

Not just that
But things
Move on
Perhap remnants
Of wishes are out there

Perhaps some surprise
Might come out of it.

Truly Desire

I truly desire
A wonderful man
One who loves the Lord
One who will seek the Lord
One who will be loyal to me
I truly desire somebody great
A great catch
That would be nice this year