Thursday, November 24, 2005


Christmas is becoming too commercialize. Thanksgiving should be a time where we should take time to relax and eat and most importantly take time out of what we are thankful for.

I think there is something where places like Walmart are open and make their employees work that day. I will tell you this, I will not shop on Thanksgiving for Walmart has no business being open on Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Preparations

Twas the day before Thanksgiving and my mother is getting ready to have the family over. Today she will bake her famous pies. They are famous for the recipe was my Grandma Skinner's recipe. Grandma no longer bakes, so my mother has inherited this task. I have not paid too much attention to my mother's baking. I know she saves time and uses a pillsbury frozen crust. My mother just like Grandma uses canned pumpkin. She also uses five eggs. She adds very little ginger to the recipe. My mom will bake and then cool the pies. Five days earlier she discovered that Rusty, my sister's little dog liked pumpkin custard. So she will have to make an effort to keep it out of Rusty Chalupa's reach. Sorry Rusty these pies are not for you.

The next day the television will be blaring with Macy's Thanksgiving parade. My mother will be prepare a ham and green bean casserole. My mother always makes a ham for my grandmother will not eat anything that flies or swims. So we have ham, in addition to the turkey that will be brought by my Aunt Karen.

Much of that morning, Daisy and Duchess as well as possibly Rusty could be fighting over the ham they are not getting. Potatoes will be peeled and boiled so they can be mashed. At around noon my dad go and pick up grandma. Meanwhile the rest of the family will start staggering in with the rest of the meal such as turkey and gravy with dressing, not to mention my sister-in-law with a sweet potatoe casserole.

The goal that morning will be for my sister to take Sir Russell to June's so there will be one less dog in the house for Daisy and Duchess will be in my room, or the family den.

Christmas Music At My House

I love Christmas music, I however heard a CD my sister where the second half really stunk. The first half had great classic, like the Chipmunk song, Hippopatomus not to mention my favorite non-sacred song Jingle Bark. I love Jingle Bark, for it gets Duchess, Rusty and Daisy to sing. I however thought the second half of this CD, was revoltingly stupid. I have a great sense of humor, that humor is not appropriate for Christmas time. It is really never appropriate.

I have a whole collection of stuff and people have given me a hard time about my Yo Ho Ho CD and Veggie Tales CDS yet half of my sister's I Yusts Go Nuts At Christmas was so revolting. I have my reasons why I don't like half of that CD.

If you want a sample of the stuff I have in my collection, I have Amy Gran't Home For Christmas, and Christmas To Remember, A Manheim Steimroller CD, Michael W. Smith Christmas Time, Season of Love by 4Him, An eclectic mix with classics and songs done ccm artistes, Joyful Christmas, Clay Aiken and Christmas On A City On A Hill, just to name some. More reason of why I don't need to hear too much of that I Yust Go Nuts At Christmas Time

Poem composed of haikus

Forgiveness can be
A major test with hard spots
Yet best to forget

Forget this somehow
Embrace everything now
Despite how they came

For it eats away
The core of a whole being
If it is held on

For when held tightly
It can interfere with life
Causing a big strife

Whether a strife be
Internally or outside
It is no good thing

Best to somehow go
Just let it all go away
Rather than just stay

For it is the time
To go and move on in life
Therefore let it go

More Haiku

December will come
Summer is no longer here
Good gifts will arrive

Christmas music plays
Already Tis the season
For good things to come

Summer/ A poem composed of haikus

Thank you that summer
Is long gone, Too wonderful
For it to be true

What really started
With questions about snack foods
Went rediculous

Don't want reminded
Of this whole thing that should not
Come to begin with


No Need

No need to ponder
Let it go! Just let it go!
Forget about it


It is a battle
Between forces of evil
Good forces will win

Move On

I want to forgive
And heal
From that something
That must have been

For it got me nowhere
Except maybe
Taught me
A lesson
Or two

Is it best
To forget
About this mess
Just go about
And pretend
It never
Just move
As if this thing
Did not happened

For it would be best
To somehow forget?

What I Want This Year

There are two things I want this year. I don't know if I will get them, even though they would be nice things. I want a much better job and a for sure relationship that will mean marriage within the next year. These are the two things I want the most.

It seems like they are both so far away. I hope they are a lot closer than they seem. These two desires seem so far away.