Friday, July 07, 2006


What's new? I never get to get approval from mom these days. My mom seems out of touch. I am doing the freaking best I can do with looking for a job. I did not know how to do an effective job search until I started reading this book.

I wish I could afford to move out, because my parents really do not get me. They honestly don't. At times I think how I am going to survive since I still don't have a job. I don't get the flippin support. But why give a crap whether or not anyone approves. I just hope I survive. At least I have an interview for a short term position on Monday. Hopefully I will get this job so I can utilize my analytical skills.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


There has not been enough healthy food and my system feels it. I know I partially blame damn frugality on it. Alright if I would have gone out and fought the 1st of the month crowd then fruit or yogurt would have been possible. I might go out tomorrow to get fruit or yogurt or both since it would be good for my system. Maybe I will eat an early lunch so I can go downtown to do research.