Saturday, March 04, 2006


Tonight I went to the homeless camps with my small group through Fruit of The Vine which was good, even though I was not totally in a good frame of mind, mainly due to a lecture my dad felt he had to deliver.

After getting out the van, I suffered a scare and was hurt but more scared and was like "Damn!"

I hope no one was around who would have gotten offended.

Concerning that there is a a thread on Crosswalk on Stop cursing. I have one word a lot of people on crosswalk seems to be quite judgemental when it comes to that.


Last night my mother made a wonderful stroganoff made out of hamburger and other ingredients. That stuff was par excellente.

Last week my parents bought a frozen crockpot dinner made by Banquet. It was a Beef Stroganoff and it was just passable. First of all, it would have been just as easy to make a crockpot dinner out of homemade ingredients. Those banquet dinners lack taste.

2nd of all, my mom, dad and I loved the stroganoff that was made last night. I wonder if traditional stroganoff is supposed to call for a fancier cut of beef. Who cares it was good. I think my mother came up with this recipe when times were really tight, so she could entertain people. I am so glad my mom made real stroganoff and rather than the nasty crap Banquet calls stroganoff.

Club 202

Last night I went out to a benefit at Club 202. Club 202 is located not too far from Columbus State. A friend and I stayed until a little after 9. The music was good. Club 202 is located off a pub. A lot of people who came to Club 202 were people from J-House since a lot of the performers were those who attend my church. Anyway after my friend and I left we went through that pub, which was rather interesting. It was crowded with mainly women.

Where were the men?

Friday, March 03, 2006


Life is interesting, very interesting.

On another note, I went to a club and heard some bands from people who attend my church.


stressed out

I am very stressed out. I also feel a cold coming on. I would like to go out tonight. If anyone is reading this, I could sincerly use your prayers.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Turn Around

I hope things turn around, however my sinuses have been bothering me, and interefered with me doing what needed to be done.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Cake with eggshell.

I helped stir the ingredients for a cake which used a cake mix and my dad unfortunately had the honor having a piece of cake that had the little eggshell in. I am not pleased about that. I rarely cook or bake by the way. I was rather sleepy because of this lovely cloudy weather we have had.
The upside down cake was wonderful. I just hope my dad does not lose hope in my culinary skills. I might have inherited Grandma's Hollingsworth's gift of writing. However, I hope to be a better cook than she was according to my dad.