Friday, July 13, 2007

Small Group

The search for a small group is over. Thank God that Disciples of Faith moved to a much more comfortable and inviting environment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


These days a lot has been on my mind. It is too hot right now. I am looking for a more steady job. I really need something. A direction is what I desire. Perhaps those crazy fantasies are not fantasies. Then again, Columbus is not a bad place in some regards. Yet COTA is run by sorry asses.

On another note, I am looking for a small group. I went to one which does not hold a candle to my last group. The leaders were nice except the small group leader was more into visualization which is not my gifting. I am very verbal. I just did not get the vibes I got when I went to Chris and Chantelle Traut the first time. I will tell you I knew I belonged at La Mesa whether it met at the Trauts or the Millers. Something I did not get from this group. I started attending La Mesa when I decided to make VCC home.

I don't know what I am l looking for though. On another note, this guy who was trouble at around the time I left Mosaic has now started attending where my parents attend. My dad is impressed with his interest in The Word. I however would be very careful with this person. This person acted judgemental when I chose to leave Mosaic. He gave me and some other people this lecture about not being committed. It was rediculous. The leadership at the time got fed up. He went to another church. I wondered what happened at Beechwold. One thing I will say about where my parents attend is that it is a lot more stable than Mosaic was. Hopefully they can serve him and mentally challenged sister.