Friday, March 24, 2006

All Because Of A Missing Remote

Last night I did not sleep well. I was very tired at work today. I was very tired for I had to go look for a remote, that was somehow misplaced. I ended finding it in the freezer but not before looking all over the place. When I got home from small group, Hell did break loose. I was planning on taking a shower and going to bed, but no I had to look for that blasted stupid remote instead. I did not know it was in the freezer, until everywhere else I looked was exhausted Anyway I live with my parents, and the remote is also my dad's silver scepter. Therefore when The Silver Scepter disappeared the way it did aka the remote, expect Hell to break loose. Hell broke loose for an hr, before finding the darn thing in the freezer. You would think that thing was a diamond or whatever.


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Dragon said...

How did the remote end up in the freezer?

At 6:08 AM, Blogger moshpitmarsha said...

I might have put it in the freezer, or my dad might have put it in the freezer. It might have been put in the kitchen to begin with.


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