Thursday, January 19, 2006

Interesting Weather

Yesterday the weather was cold and snowy. Today it is sunny and mild.

I like this weather. I just hope we don't pay for it later. I might go sledding if it snows next week.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It All Began Innocently Enough

It all began innocently enough or so it seemed with questions sent out about favorite soda pop. Looking back it was worded favorite carbonated water. She then received another question about whether or not she preferred rippled or plain potatoe chips. This was the beginning of something, however not something good in the end. Over the next three months things progressed. She would be on line with him for long periods of time. There would be times they would be online for as long as 3 hours. She was more verbose than he was. Email conversations would be held late at night. These innocent silly little questions were the beginning of the game of deception played extremely well.

More Haiku

How disrespectful
He was to me, How stupid
It taught a lesson

I learn men will play
Even in the church, I learn
To be more careful


Rather important
Could have heard those false rumors
Extremely untrue.

Lies and Fears/ Another haiku

Discover something
A month ago, Extremely
Disturbing to me

I discover blog
Where I learn the character
Who played me big time

Did not only lie
To me, But also about
What really went on

False accusations
Made to individuals
Extremely Untrue

Crap, Am I to give
A damn about that one blog
Guess just let it go

Then again I fear
That untrue things said, tarnished
A reputation

Don't trust this one clown
Despite communication
That went on for time

Here is my question
Has all these accusations
Went around over

Or is it in head
I hope this is just a fear
Do I need to know?

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I went to a forum and then went to J-House. It was really good, even if I was a few rows behind Marvin. i was able to avoid Marvin this weekend. God was so good.

On another note, tomorrow I must talk to Mary and Brianna please pray that it happens. I hate being lied about.



I was brave to post on one of Brianna's relatives blog. I really need speak to Brianna. I don't know how to handle it.

I hope I never get myself in another mess like this. I am so thankful I have been able to continue to avoid Marvin. I wish Marvin did not play me as he did.