Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Baptists and Alcohol

I am glad I am not a Baptist. Granted there are wonderful Baptists. I grew up in a Baptist Church where the people are wonderful. The church I grew up in, is too reserved when it comes to expressing themselves in worship.

I just finished reading the SBC new constitutional proposal.. I have an issue when a church tells people they can't enjoy a beer, a glass of wine or a cocktail every now and then if they desire to serve in the church. In Germany I hear pastors see coke as harmful to the body while a beer is okay. Abusing alcohol is bad. The message of Christ is not impeded because a leader chooses to enjoy an alcohol beverage every now and then. There are truly bigger fish to fry.

Some Pentecostal denominations are rather strict about this issue as well from what I have heard.


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