Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I have read some blogs. The blogs that have influenced me to do this are my cousin Sarah Heacock who I have not seen in 10 years. She lives in Seattle and then Maureen Sullivan a girl who I knew back in college. I have not spoke to her in over 5 years.

Anyway, in light of the election I figured it is time to post how I feel. I am a devout evangelical Christian. My beliefs effect my political views. I don't understand how Christians can endorse Kerry. For those Christians who desire to vote for Kerry, I suggest they seek the Lord in prayer and see what he says. Kerry stands for partial birth abortion which is a very heinous practice. He is left of Ted. He was one of the only Senators to vote against
Defense of Marriage Act. I am afraid if Kerry were to take office, Kerry and Mama T would allow marriage to be redefined from how the Bible defines it to be.
Another thing, Bush made the right decision by sending troops to Iraq.

On another note I am looking for a job. I have this crappy job where I make no money. It is not a job but motivation to look for something else. I DID NOT GO TO SCHOOL TO DO THIS JOB!


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